Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our newest addition :'3

Our lil pat of buttah, he just melts when he's snuggled up to you :'D
He was born on September 16th at 3:06 am....12 hour labour...thank gawd for our nurse Evelyn, because if it hadn't been for her manually helping him come out, I probably would have had a C-Section >___<; She was a wonderful nurse, so much in fact we took her name Evelyn and turned it into Evan and put it as one of his middle names, bless her kindness to not only me but my bf, I will never forget her :'D.
He's so precious...and a loveable lil guy, very mellow in disposition and cuddly...hardly cries, loves to look around...and just down right adorable.

My daughters were gorgeous lil angels when they were born, and my son is equally as beautiful...I am truly blessed to have such lovely children :'D

My boyfriend has been the ever doting dad, helping me out tremendously and is delighted with our lil bundle of joy :3

My daughters are ever so sweet to their lil brother...and have been amazing throughout my whole pregnancy and have continued to be helpful and kind, without them I would indeed be lost. They are two of the most loving/kind/gentle/intelligent/helpful angels I could ever ask for <3 <3 <3 ^0^
 And now...for the pictures! ^__^

 My girls and I, waitin' for the lil one to arrive

He has arrived! And I am a tired ol' mommy but he was worth the effort

Proud Poppa awwwww :3

My eldest holding her lil brother

At last she gets to be a big sister too!

Mommy and daddy and our wee-est one

I feel truly blessed...I couldn't ask for more <3