Monday, September 5, 2011

Preconceived Notions

Word to the wise...never ask your facebook buddies what you should write about. Nuff said.

Anyway....I thought I'd write about preconceived notions.

Why? Well considering how so many people like to have assumptions about who you are when they know only one facet about you...I can understand the frustration that comes with having people base judgement upon you. Presumptious labels have always been a piss off for me.

If you're too quiet or keep to yourself, people assume you're a snob.
If you're outspoken you're a bitch.
If you're friendly then you're easy.
If you're hyper then you're unstable.

It goes on and on...and it's irksome.

Instead of just assuming things about someone...why not find the time to get to know the person better and let them show you who they really are? Not everyone is social or overly open...we all have our demons and what not...why do so many think they are better for not having gone through the same obstacles/demons as someone else? Why base worth on trivial matters such as what clothes someone wears or how they phrase things? Eh...people confuse me on the reg.

Sometimes it makes me wonder what others think of me. Granted, even if I did know and I felt that someone's idea of what I was about was entirely incorrect, something tells me I'd wind up getting no where trying to correct them...because people see what they want to see, not necessairly see what's right infront of them. All I that I do my best to represent myself in a positive light, and for those who continue to base worth/value/judgement upon me based on the past or rumours or assumptions...really aren't worth fighting with.

No sense welcoming people into my world when they'd rather keep to their outdated views of what I'm about.