Thursday, September 8, 2011

Aggravation! >:U

Yep, I'm chalk full of it.

Had one HELL of a time changing the layout/configuring it and it's STILL not quite to my liking but oh well.

I'm not usually one to let my inner grrr get the better of me, but today...I have no patience whatsoever.

I also feel like no one gets me. I'm getting frantic about the house being just so...nesting fever has taken over and it seems like I can't quite get it across to my family just how important it is to get this place in tip top shape before the baby comes...heck, we only have 2 weeks and 2 days before I'm due, and that's JUST a guideline...who knows when wee one will decide to enter the world.

Plus I'm dealing with cabin fever...realllllllllllllll bad. Can't really do anything about it though, with my body finally throwing in the towel, I'm stuck here. I'm looking forward to when my friend comes over tomorrow, I need to socialize and with having no phone and no one really offering to come by...I feel like I'm slowly going crazy.

If I'm feeling this in the world am I going to be once the baby is here?? Oh lawdeh lawdeh lawdeh .___.;