Thursday, August 25, 2011


I can't help but derive a bit of amusement when people spout off at the mouth INSISTING that people who are emotional/sensitive are lacking in the logic department. It really is to laugh. To assume that because you have the capacity to feel means you lack intelligence...where do people get this stuff?? O____O

I am a sensitive person, always have been. Most think it's an endearing quality to have, but are thankful for the most part that they do not have that soft spot, that they can be callous towards things that do not affect them directly. Granted there ARE times when I wish I could tone down my ability to be empathetic/sympathetic because I do absorb a lot of hurt from what others project...but I'm getting better at not allowing it to affect me to the point of depression...back in the day I'd feel SOOOOOOO much that I felt like I couldn't breathe :C.

Y'see...I can be callous if I choose to be...but I'd rather give a damn than show indifference. But for people to assume that because I choose to be compassionate is a sign of failed logic, or worse, a absurd.

Let's take a quick peak as to the meaning behind logic and being sensitive, shall we? Oh yes let's! Control your giddiness! lol

log·ic [loj-ik]

~ a particular method of reasoning or argumentation: 'We were unable to follow his logic.'

~reason or sound judgment, as in utterances or actions: 'There wasn't much logic in her move.'

~ convincing forcefulness; inexorable truth or persuasiveness
: the irresistible logic of the facts.


Basically logic boils down to how persuasive your points/counter points that no one can argue with what you say and accept it is fact all around. Hmm. Alright, on to the second definition *drum rolllllllllllllllllllllllllll*


sen·si·tive [sen-si-tiv]

~endowed with sensation; having perception through the senses.

~readily or excessively affected by external agencies or influences.

~having acute mental or emotional sensibility; aware of and responsive to the feelings of others


Hmmm...interesting. Awareness and emotional sensibility eh...doesn't that sound *gasp* LOGICAL??? Dun dun dunnnn


I think people just assume that to be logical you must be emotionally detatched in order to see things clearly, that being emotional/sensitive clouds your judgement with unecessary thought processes.

I'd rather be intune with people and how they feel to get a better/clearer understanding instead of trying to showcase my all knowing logical mind and forcefully persuading someone that my point of view cannot be argued/contended with.

But I'm just a sensitive ol' fool eh, what do I know? :P Nyaaahhhh hehe