Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Welcome to the corporate world lil girl.

In movies, most corporations are showcased as unscrupulous rapacious organizations that thrive on budget cuts, manipulation, deligating work and absolving themselves from blame, thanks to their expensive lawyers.

In most cases reality and fantasy are on different ends of the spectrum, but I am discovering that the movie's representation of big companies is damn well realistic.

I admit I've been naive pertaining to all the in's and out's of the corporate world...but the harsh reality is very eye opening and I now know why I was taught 3 special letters: CYA = Cover your ass.

Because if you don't cover your ass, no one will do it for you.

Have a meeting tomorrow. Should be interesting. We're arming ourselves with knowledge, I will no longer allow myself to continue my naive way of thinking... time to embrace the fact that in order for me to find the answers I seek, I need to ask the right questions.

Here's hoping tomorrow proves to be an eye opening experience to all parties involved.