Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My children and the children of this world

ATTENTION: I am overtired, k? SOOooo... I'm a bit more brutally honest than I normally am. Keep in mind, not all young people are full of shit/themselves...there are some amazing/talented/giving/awesome young people out there who deserve recognition...and there are amazing parents that raise wonderful children...but this journal entry is not about those lovely lil pixies.

SO...if you dislike my tired honesty, yer just gonna have to either

A) Suck it up and deal

Now that we know the choices, let's proceed.

I'm sure you were expecting a predictable "Gawrsh I lurrrve mah kiddies, dey make me sooo proud, dey de bestest kiiids evarrrr!!!!!!1!" spiel like most parents...actually, these days it's not most from what I've noticed/heard...well, basically, every parent gushes about their children and how wonderful they are, whether they are wonderful or not is up for discussion.

BTW, my children rock...they may drive me to bouts of madness now and then over the regular type problems *cleaning up after themselves, their incessant bickering with each toddler's amazing feats of splendor as he tries to dive off the couch or climb anything he see's*...but they are lovely children who are respectful and kind and have loving hearts.

...but I digress.

This post is mostly due to it being late at night, and my mind wandering through various thought processes...but sometimes it's good to let your mind explore your own thoughts/dreams/memories/hopes...for sometimes, sometimes...something profound happens.

(AAaaand sometimes you just ramble like an incoherent asshat, HOPING your collected thoughts don't make you appear too 'derp-ish', y'knowwhatimean).

You happen to encounter a moment where your perception of things change...where you look past what you already have deemed is right or look outside the box so to speak...or just start to think about the world and the people in it.

Right now my thoughts revolve around the alarming trend of children who are raised with absolutely no morals/values/self worth/self respect. It deeply saddens me to see children/young teens these days...they have no direction, are self serving, expect everything to be given to them without them having to earn it...they masquerade around in either the baggiest clothing that makes them look like they had problems holding in their excrement in their tighty whitey's, or wear clothes so skin tight you can tell if the quarter in their pants is either heads or tails.

Sadly...these youngin's think that being superficial is be rude as all fuck with complete disregard towards  people, then they adamantly state that they deserve they proceed to give absolutely zip.

It just baffles my mind. Granted I'm no saint...I had my moment of questing my 'rents...of rebelling *which is pretty damn tame in comparison to some of the life stories I've heard from other people lol* ...had my moments where I thought life was unfair and felt sorry for myself.

And then, I grew stopped resisting growing older and embraced maturity. It was a long and painful process...and it's far from being over, it's on going.....but I'm much less obnoxious and selfish than I was 10 years ago. Realized that feeling sorry for myself solves nothing...that complaining about how unfair the world is...does not change the world in your favour...that if I want respect, I need to bloody well give it then, eh? I worked my ASS off raising my children...instilling morals and show them the true meaning of unconditional show them how being respected promote and encourage listen first and give council lavish affection and admiration upon them without their needing to be a 'reason' to. I gave up my personal life for a good chunk of time in order to be there for my kids and teach them to be good people with a level head on their's not like some lil pixie sprinkled her pixie dust and voila! Instant well behaved/adjusted children! Nah...that shit don't have to work at have to WANT to be the best parent you can be in order to see your children shine and prosper in this life.

It just seems like most of the younger generation complains about trivial things...not having the newest iphone, or not being able to get that tat/piercing/nails done/bling winds up being a complete travesty in their eyes.

GET EFFIN' REALLLLLLL. There's much MUCH more that you could be enduring, and you're not, so shut your pieholes. Venting is fine...when it's something valid to vent about. Not getting McDonalds or having your curfew extension denied are NOT VALID REASONS.

It's easy to complain about the so called 'injustices' that you face...when you have encountered hardly anything substantial in your life...we are who we are by our life experiences and how we were raised...and it's depressing to see just how many parents could care less how their kids turn out in the long run because they are too preoccupied with the bills or whatever pleases them...I particularly find it amusing when they are flabbergasted that their kids turned out they way they did through their neglectful parenting...WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN?? Honestly. I think it's about damn time parents start talking more openly with their children...make time to BE with them, ENGAGE them in conversation, TEACH THEM how to communicate their feelings with their words instead of letting them silently steam in silence then lash out with their fists....LISTEN to them instead of interrupt them because you ASSUME you know what they're talking about/feeling, DO things that interest THEM...remind them of the kind of life/reality they could face if they decided to throw their education away and embrace the "LETS GET HIGH 24/7 AND NOT DO SHIT" mentality *get them to watch the results of meth addiction on youtube...a REAL eye opener fo' realz.* and actually PREPARE them for the kind of shitty ass people and the bullshit they give and how to handle them without getting upset by their stupidity/ they aren't totally blown away when they face certain people/life situations and become bitter ol' biddies like a large majority of people seem to be these days.

Our children need to be taught the difference between right and realize that life IS unfair, but it can still be enjoyable...that in order to be respected by people, you have to treat people with respect and stop being abrasive childish over-dramatic self serving twats. To the youngin's who feel that the world owes them and that it's perfectly ok to cavort around with barely there clothing, for the love of all that is good in this world, stop showing off your prepubescent titties and flat ass in a thong/g-string...stop talking rudely because you think it makes you look bad ass *in actuality it just showcases your inability to use big boy/big girl words :/*..pull your baggy ass pants up because NO one thinks that's hot *unless you like the bulky diaper look* and get your ass in gear while you still have a chance to make an impact on the world...start building your legacy instead of wasting your time and everyone else's.

There is hope for you yet. And to the parents who have children like this due to their neglect/indifference... time to grow the fuck up and embrace the fact that you have children and stop doing wrong by them and be the role model they need you to be.

AND that's all...rant's was wordy...REALLLL wordy but, hey, it's what I do. So have yourself a good one, I'm gonna go pass out.