Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Have you ever felt giddy? :o

Y'know....euphoric? Whether it was due to winning money or having a day filled with good luck or getting that job or whatever?

Well I'm the type of person who gets happy/giddy when I see someone else happy, and in turn I then want to strive to be happy all the time. Granted, I know that I can't ALWAYS be happy, cause well, shit happens, but that doesn't mean I can't actively try to find my inner happiness or to do things that make me feel good about myself in general.

And Today, I found my inner glee! :D

I wrote about it in my dieting blog---> and I'm super stoked and anxious to get back into the swing of things and shed some more of my chub that has acumulated slowly since Christmas came upon us.

I have been feeling really positive as of late, and I think that as long as I stick to my plans I will continue to feel happy...and that's ultimately what I've always wanted :')