Thursday, September 29, 2011 now what? D:

Gotta love stress.

.... O___O

I hope my sarcasm was obvious, otherwise I need to try fucking harder eh @__@;

Firstly...the plumbing staff that were hired by our landlord...have been making frequent visits the past week or so, to find out what they need to bring/measure things and what not...have let us know that it may take up to FOUR days for everything to be finished, considering they're going to remodel our washroom from scratch *new tub, new sink, new tiles, all that jazz* as well as give us a brand new countertop/sink/cupboard space downstairs as WELL as fix the moldy patches *that are currently sealed off* that reside in our living room ceiling due to the problems from the pipes both upstairs in the other apartment and from our shotty ass pipes coming from our washroom waaaaay upstairs.

Four days.

Geezus. u___u;

Oh oh and people who said they wanted a kitten beforehand, are now slowly letting us know that they cannot have one for whatever reason. No disrespect to them, for they have their reasons etc what?? We are having a hell of a time trying to find a place for all of us to stay, nevermind getting a place for...let's count now *1 bird...3 cats...4 kittens...2 rabbits...and one dog* 11 animals?!?! Granted the rabbits/dog/2 cats belong to my mother, but she and my step father are being just as inconvienced as we are since we ALL have to vacate the house.

$&@!%20@# *#*(%&*(#%&!!!! #(%$&@!%20@#*#*(%&*!?!?!! (#%&#(%&@##*(@#!!!!!!!

*pant pant puff puff wheeeeeze* >:U

Oh...and it gets better, cause there are not a lot of hotels that allow animals and the one that is the cheapest is 100 bucks per night...and 25 bucks per animal. the fuck...are we...going to be able to afford this?? I'll tell you how...our landlord, who decided to ignore our pleas for getting this fixed earlier on in the going to have to pay for our accomodations...or feel my hormonal fucking wrath.