Tuesday, August 16, 2011

hehe...this meme/quiz/whatever is...well amusing, to me anyway :P

I got this from a facebook buddy...and normally I find most of these types of quizes...well...redundant...BUT...this one I don't mind sharing and embellishing on, you poor unfortunate souls lol.

Apparently...if I manage to get more then 30, I am in need of some indepth counseling O___O;. If my score is more then 20, I'm the paranoid freak your 'rents warned you about :O. If I get 11-20, I am what constitutes as 'normal' (AHAHAHAHAHAHA *gigglesnorts*...yeahhh). If I somehow manage to get 10 or less, I'm fearless and should adorn a spandex head to toe outfit with matching cape and fight crime. And if for some reason I don't click on ANYTHING...then well, from what the rules state, I'm bloodywell full of crap. Hmm.


I fear ...

[] Black people <--- O___O; I've never expressed fear at one's skin pigment but to each their own I suppose..? o.o

[] the dark

[] staying single forever

[] being a parent

[] being in front of others

[] open spaces

[] closed places

[] heights

[] dogs *large ones*

[] birds

[] fish

[] spiders <--- ONLY if they're huge!

[] flowers or other plants

[x] Fire

[] deep water

[x] Snakes <--- ESPECIALLY if they're in a plane...if you can't catch the reference, may I ask you to watch Snakes on a plane, 'nuff said. :P

[] silk <--- this made me laugh. I shouldn't though...but I did. I'm going to hell. lol

[] the ocean

[x] failure

[] success

[x] thunder/lightning <--- yes, I admit it, I AM a big baby, I don't deny it. Ever since my close encounters with lightning I tend to get a tad ansy when I see it

[] frogs/toads

[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad

[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom

[] rats

[] jumping from high places <--- now why in HELL would I WANT to jump from a high place to begin with..? O 3o

[] bugs

[] rain

[] wind

[x] crossing hanging bridges <---I hope this day never comes...seen WAYYY too many movies with this sort of scenario, eep!

[x] death <--- this one is tricky...I don't fear it persay, but I fear how my loved ones will deal without me.

[] heaven

[] being robbed/mugged/raped <--- since I have been victim to a couple of these, I can UNDERSTAND the fear...but I choose not to live by that said fear.

[] falling <--- I'm accident prone so this no longer scares me, I'm embraced my inner klutz lol

[] clowns

[] dolls

[x] large crowds of people <--- claustrophobia ftw! Small spaces do not incite fear, but large groups of people SO do :C

[] men (the old pedo ones.)<--- they creep me the hell out but I don't fear them.

[] women <--- hehe sometimes! But it's not a constant fear, so no 'x' for you!

[] having great responsibilities

[] doctors

[] dentists

[] tornadoes

[] hurricanes

[x] incurable diseases

[] sharks

[] Friday the 13th

[] ghosts

[] poverty

[] Halloween

[] school

[] trains

[] odd numbers

[] even numbers

[x] being alone

[x] becoming blind

[x] becoming deaf

[] growing up

[] creepy noises in the night

[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals

[] needles

[] blood

Now to tally this bad boy...let's total is: 12!

Sooo...I am 'normal'. That IS to laugh, it really is...I could go on about the term normal and abnormal but eh, why bother :P

The list that was given is apparently a list of "COMMON" fears...uh silk? "Oh this luxurious fabric gives me the heeby geebies, give me burlap and I find instant comfort!" lol *smacks self* I need to stop being judgemental...I'm SURE there is a perfectly logical reason to fear silk...I just...haven't...found it...yet O__O

This quiz reminds me of that show...that is called...aww hell TJ, give yer head a smack, make those brain cells bend to your will! Uh...well I'm at a loss as to what the hell the name of the show is, but it is about unusual fears/odd habits & cravings &, I'll remember the name of that blasted show in a couple of days from now lol.

ANYway...the program showcases people's obsessions or how they find comfort in things they really shouldn't....and some of them I find really bizarre...guess that 'silk' option in the quiz has me that a COMMON fear? Am I missing out on some level for NOT fearing this? Who knows. I just know that after watching the show a few times and seeing how people, who were affected by early childhood trauma, now have a fear that confuses many and how they choose to deal with said fear boggles their minds even more.

When I was younger I probably would have laughed at ALL of them for fearing things I think shouldn't be that I'm older I guess I have more of a sympathetic heart...and although I MAY not understand why they fear what they fear or deal with it the way they do...I feel badly that they are paralyzed by their fear and hold onto their vice of coping as strongly as they do. I hope I NEVER have such a debilitating fear *shudders the thought* D: DX

I also commend these people for speaking out about something that can cause them ridicule...most people would rather appear fearless so they don't have to deal with the constant teasing that can occur when they're honest...but how can someone overcome obstacles without some sort of guidance/support system? I think feeling alone in any difficult situation is what pushes people over the edge...but when you have people that care and will not laugh at you for what they consider your definitely feel more at ease and feel you can overcome anything that comes your way.

But I still argue that I'm the farthest thing from being 'normal'. Normal is overrated...can't I be exceptional instead? :P