Sunday, August 28, 2011

*gags* Oh what a splendiferous odour..stings the nostrils quite nicely O__O;

Like we didn't have enough to contend with we have to deal with our cat's odour at the hands of a skunk.




Washing her with baby shampoo and wiping her down with baby wipes helped a bit, but she needs to be immersed in tomato juice or the hydrogen peroxide/baking soda/dish soap remedy a few times...which is just uber fab considering my bf and I already have some nasty gashes/scratches all over us from our first attempt at washing her...and due to my allergies, all the marks on me are swelled up and feel like they're on fire. @___@;

SOOOOOOOOoooooo...tomorrow we're on a mission to get hydrogen peroxide, baking powder, a sprayer, vinegar, ground coffee, incense, febreeze for the air AND upolstry, carpet powder and tomato juice for Charolette and just go to town. I can't afford the ozone machine so that's a no go, so it's all about home remedies and strong air fresheners.

*sighs and shakes head* Fawwwwwwwwwwwwwk. Wish us luck!


Nikki Harvey said...

We have two inside cats and we bathe them at least once a month. It's always an adventure LOL. I got a nice slice on my index finger from one of the cats the last time we gave them a bath.

Anonymous said...

I gave up on LJ too! Glad to see you over here still doing stuffs.

My new blogthing is @ if you're ever in the neighborhood.
