Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cellphone dependancy!

I never thought there would come a time where I actually would miss having a cell phone.

I had one EONS ago with Rogers but due to their asshatery I had my cell service cut. After that I was determined that I would NEVER have a cell phone again. I went out with this one guy who was a cell phone FANATIC...he was always updating his phone for the newest addition and he thought I was CRAZY not to have a cell...hell, he even tried pushing one on me, saying he'd buy me one. I politely declined, calling cellphones the devil and what have hindsight I maaaay have been a tad overdramatic, hehe.

Well, when I became pregnant, my bf insisted I get a phone, and he proceeded to purchase one for me, one of those pay as you go deals, GREAT coverage, unlimited txting and what not....and soon I was txting my buddies left right and center.

It was great! Even if I was doing laundry or alone at home, I could chat with any one of my lovely friends or my doting bf.

But with the expenses that come with a baby, I found that money was needed elsewhere so I had to put off paying my phone...and now I am dealing with cell phone deprevation. Part of me finds it be dependant to a certain extent on a piece of technology that I once vehemently announced would never rule me...but I miss being able to keep in touch with people I hold dear...and I can't always be on facebook or msn to chat with them all the time, my girls keep me busy as well as the preparations for the wee one.

*sighs* Here's hoping I get my phone paid in full this month...I feel sorry for my friends, for they will have to deal with my annoying chatty self lol